Genomics: Insights


Genomics: Insights



Write about Genomics & Society


The National Human Genome Research Institute has partnered with the Smithsonian to provide an online digital publication. Genomics: Insights allows highschoolers, college students and postdoctoral trainees to submit scientific writing about genomics and society for the opportunity to be reviewed by researchers at academic institutions.

NIH Logo
A large amount of characterized people standing in a flat area with a DNA symbol painted onto the white floor below them

The Latest Insights


Can modifying immune response genes prevent allo-HSCT patients from getting ARDS?

Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, otherwise known as ARDS, is a life-threatening syndrome that admits fluid into the lungs that builds up in your alveoli, tiny air sacs in your lungs w...

Genomics and the Fight Against Artemisinin Resistance

Malaria is one of the most significant public health problems worldwide. An estimated 228 million cases occurred in 2018, causing approximately 405,000 deaths1. Malaria is a mosquito-b...

Completing the human reference genome one chromosome at a time

A person’s genome influences so much about their life: it can affect how they look, how they act, and their susceptibility to genetic diseases, among others. One of the reasons that we kn...

Hominid Development, the Great Human Migration, and the Concept of Race

Hypothesis Measuring inter-continental genetic variations in the context of hominid development, migration out of Africa, and their subsequent adaptations to different regions of the wor...

The Biology of Race


Ancestry vs. Race: Implications for Society

What is the difference between race and ancestry? How does ancestry inference work? What implications does it have for society? Home genetic testing kits such as 23andMe and Ancestry have...

Genetics, Schizophrenia, and COVID-19: A Complex Picture

Genetics, Schizophrenia, and COVID-19: A Complex P

Race and Disease Susceptibility

The societal construct of race is an inadequate method of human categorization, especially in the context of medicine Background The man-made concept of race is one of the most frequent...

Diving Into the Cure for Cystic Fibrosis

Introduction Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disorder that causes damage to internal organs, such as the lungs, because the condition negatively affects the cells that produce mucus. As a r...

The gift of taonga – Indigenous Genomics in New Zealand

New Zealand’s Unique Biodiversity According to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity in 1992 [1] , the concept of biodiversity is defined as ‘the variability among living...

Exploring the Gut-Brain Axis

Hippocrates, over 2,000 years ago, attributed disease origins to the gastrointestinal system [1]. While these thoughts were undoubtedly ahead of their time, scientists now realize how acc...

Submit your article

Submission Guidelines for Research Reviews

Submissions must follow these guidelines and should be between 500 - 1500 words, including a maximum of two figures or tables created by the author.

Submission deadlines

There will be two submission cycles for the upcoming year. November 1, 2024 will be the deadline for the first review cycle and March 7, 2025 will be the deadline for the second cycle.

Who is eligible to submit 

High School students, Post-Baccalaureate students, Undergraduate and Graduate students, and Postdoctoral trainees.

We encourage submissions from a team of two to three co-authors from the same institution. If authors are high school students, we also encourage them to get feedback from a high school or external academic mentor.

Who will review

Submissions that meet the guidelines will be reviewed by researchers from academic institutions such as MIT, Harvard, Stanford, Yale, the California Institute of Technology, Johns Hopkins University, National Institutes of Health and the industry.



What to submit

Topics should connect genomics to society. Some examples include:

  • Interplay of genomics and environment in health and well being
  • Genome editing tools and their role in medicine and biotechnology
  • Role of machine learning in predicting risk of disease outcome and severity

Submission form access

Submission Form


Frequently Asked Questions

Who to contact

Editor in Chief, Dr. Balakrishnan Selvakumar